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Behavioral Based Safety – Sustainable solution in Safety Management

In several cases, safety management systems are mostly focused on engineering aspects, however it is the way that people interact with their wider environment which triggers workplace accidents, incidents and near misses. Behavioral Based Safety secures long term excellence in Safety & Loss Prevention.

What is Behavioral Based Safety?

Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) is a process that reduces incidents “triggered” by unsafe behaviors. To achieve this, the BBS process locates specific behavioral problems by focusing on incidents resulting from the interaction between people and their wider working environment. Identifying and modifying unsafe behaviors assists accident prevention and secures workplace safety.

Identifying and modifying hazardous behaviors – the cornerstone of BBS

Hazardous behaviors can only be identified by systematic observation of how personnel interact with their working environment. When hazardous behaviors are identified, it is their modification that follows. Modifying a hazardous behavior requires identification of any driver that encourages and sustains it. When behavioral drivers are identified, it is much easier to eliminate all those risk factors that pose threat to personnel and property.

Observing hazardous behaviors – Who does what

Observers are the key factors within a BBS system. An observer is a person who receives proper training in order to conduct Behavioral Safety Observations. The observers are chosen from the staff of each interested company. Upon receiving proper training they develop the skills, the strategy and the tactics in order to:

  • Perform behavioral based observations within their company
  • Identify hazardous behaviors – primary purpose
  • Identify  the drivers of hazardous behaviors (barriers)
  • Identify hazardous workplace conditions – secondary purpose
  • Assist their co-employees modifying any behavior that poses threat to them and Corporate property.

Setting up a BBS program – Our approach

Aon provides customized BBS services to any firm seeking to achieve excellence in safety management. Flexibility and options are those elements which differentiates our approach. Aon can set up a BBS program following five discrete phases.

The benefits of BBS

BBS has several benefits spanned across all corporate functions of a Company deciding to incorporate it within its Safety Practices. The key benefits of BBS are:

  • Reduction of lost working hours
  • Reduction of downtimes
  • Increase of operational efficiency
  • Better allocation of safety related expenses
  • Optimization of existing Occupational Health & Safety programs
  • Optimization of Casualty Insurance Policies

An effective solution for the reduction of workplace injuries

BBS has proven to be the most effective solution for the reduction of workplace injuries. Research has shown that it’s the pioneering method when compared with traditional approaches.